Apresentações dos alunos Portugueses

Em baixo, podem visionar as apresentações que os alunos Portugueses prepararam para os intercâmbios.

Monuments of Portugal: A PowerPoint presentation created by Portuguese students which was exhibited in the 2nd Exchange in Plock


Let's learn a bit about Portugal: A PowerPoint presentation created by Portuguese students which was exhibited in the 2nd Exchange in Plock


Presentation about Viseu and Sátão: A PowerPoint presentation created by Portuguese students which was exhibited in the 2nd Exchange in Plock


Welcome to our town and school: A PowerPoint presentation about Portugal, our twon and school  created by Portuguese students which was exhibited in the 4th Exchange in Sátão, Portugal.


Portuguese Language: A PowerPoint presentation about Portuguese language created by Portuguese students which was exhibited in the Opening ceremony of the 4th Exchange in Sátão, Portugal.


Portugal in Symbols: A PowerPoint presentation created by Portuguese students which was exhibited in the 5th Exchange in Bojano, Italy


My way to school: A PowerPoint presentation created by Portuguese students which was exhibited in the 6th Exchange in Blaná, Czech Republic.
